Sunday, June 29, 2008

Update from Adam & Jen

Hey all -

Just a quick update to what Jen and I have been up to the past couple years. We had been living in Mooresville, NC since 2005, with both of us working at Bank of America's headquarters in Charlotte. In the summer of 2007, I (Adam) took a job I had long been waiting for and this ultimately led to us being relocated to St. Louis, MO this past April (actually just me, Jen is not here yet). The job I took is with the Treasury Department, and it required me to go away for 6 months of training in GA before I ever moved to St. Louis. So that 6 months, plus the 3 months I've been here in St. Louis, makes it 9 months since Jen and I (and our yellow Lab Cayman) have been living together. So it has been a difficult last 9 months in that respect, but also rewarding in that I really enjoy the new job. I am sick of being without them though so I am very much looking forward to moving them here in just a couple weeks now (Jen has been staying in NC until our home sells...which we've now decided not to wait any longer for as waiting for real estate to sell could end up being years in the current market)! Anyway, our new home will be St. Louis now, and if anybody is ever here (or perhaps somebody in the family already lives here...I have no idea!) my cell phone is 703-795-9217.

Love this new blog thing by the way (well, its new to me anyway); a great way to keep updated on everyone. Hope everybody is well!

- Adam


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